Become a future-proof Accountant in 2024

Introducing a way to seize virtually an ocean of untapped opportunities through technology to create and launch your first online offer and advisory.


  • You don't need to be a "techy"
  • You don't need to be a risk-taker
  • Lots of these technologies are low-cost


The New Era Accountant System

Unlock untapped revenue and transform your client relationships. Using our proprietary "G.R.O.W.T.H." method, we'll partner on a journey to make your vision a reality, turning uncertainty into predictable profitability. Making you a future-proof Accountant.

Are you struggling with one or more of these?

Inconsistent or No Offers

Juggling numbers and ledgers is hard enough, let alone figuring out how to design an efficient way to put yourself out there.

"Lost Value" Syndrome

Your accounting services are buried in jargon, and they fail to look as valuable and enticing as they truly are.

Stagnant Client Base

Your existing clientele is steady but silent, with no signs of additional revenue and likely just more items on your to-do list.

Wouldn't you rather be a New Era Accountant?

Clear Fulfillment

You deliver a consistent service designed to maximize your time and resources with repeatable patterns

Irresistible Offers

Your offer is designed to be a no-brainer for clients and with pricing that accurately reflects your expertise.

Client Retention & Growth

Your offer will allow you to nurture long-lasting relationships with clients who align with your values and goals.

Superb Client Experience

Your clients are engaged and satisfied through a hassle-free experience that makes every interaction with your practice positive.

Competitive Edge

You stay ahead of the game by deploying strategies that are tailored to leave your competitors wondering, "How did you do that?"

Future-Proof Practice

Your firm's name is a powerful brand that your clients speak highly of and refer new clients to due to your level of service and value provided.


The "G.R.O.W.T.H." Method


Do you ever wonder why — despite knowing your goals and the type of customer you want — most marketing, sales, and offers tactics and strategies never really stick to what you do in your accounting or bookkeeping practice?

That's because you lack an actionable plan.

Instead, with the "G.R.O.W.T.H." method, you can have:

✅ A roadmap to easily adapt to new marketing trends.

✅ A custom program specific to your business challenges.

✅ A system that empowers you through learning and accountability.

Let's take a closer look:

G — Goals

We do a deep dive and pinpoint exactly what you want to achieve. Do you want to expand your client base and capitalize on existing client relationships or diversify your services? By setting clear, measurable objectives, we build a roadmap tailored to your growth.

R — Research & Requirements

We examine what your competitors are up to and what your clients want. Then, we check if your current tools and systems are up for the job. If something's missing or could be better, we'll take proactive steps to fix it. This way, you're all set to beat the competition and meet your clients' needs.

O — Offer & Strategy Bulding

We craft compelling offers that resonate with your audience. Whether it's promoting a new service or showcasing your expertise in a niche, our goal is to make what you offer impossible for potential clients to resist.

W — Work Iteratively

In the digital world, flexibility is key. This means we'll continually adjust our approach based on your feedback and results. This iterative process ensures that your offering remains agile and responsive to the ever-evolving landscape.

T — Testing

We'll do a full end-to-end run of your offer and its fulfillment, it is where we'll determine what's working and if there's room for improvement. These insights will be pivotal in guiding our next steps.

H — Hone & Scale

Once we find the "secret sauce," it's time to double down. We define our launch strategy and get ready to set sail. We will also discuss the next steps after your offering is live.


Here's all you get with the

New Era Accountant System

  • Customized New Era Accountant program and unlimited access to all the resources available in the curriculum.

  • Professional "deep dive" initial assessment to uncover your firm's unique strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

  • 1-on-1, 60-minute sessions every other week to fine-tune your offer-building strategy and accelerate your growth.

  • Implementation of your very own New Era Accountant Second Brain—a workspace you'll get to build and use throughout the program! We'll collaborate to find resources you can save here to help you on this journey.

  • PLUS: A 30-minute brainstorming "after action" session to help you put your brand new offer into practice and continue building on it after the program is finished.


Hi, I'm Carlos

In 2015, I took a bold step, and with $18 in my pocket, I moved from Ecuador to the USA to chase my dreams.

My journey has evolved from fixing computers for $20 to working inside multi-million operations, where I've honed my skills in business development, marketing, and technology.

I am passionate about unlocking revenue streams and turning every digital interaction into a growth opportunity for you.

My mission is to guide you through this complex landscape, offering strategic insights and hands-on solutions that can transform your business from just surviving to thriving.

Growth is a top 3 priority for small accounting firms. Is it yours?

Feel free to send me a message and tell me about your particular challenge, and I'd be happy to answer it for you.

First Name


How can I help you?

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Using Effective Growth Strategies

Learn how to pick systems and strategies that work for your firm.

Being An Irresistible Offer Machine

Gain the ability to create "no-brainer" offers that are worth what you're worth.

Future-Proofing Systems

Stay ahead of industry changes, remain relevant and competitive in the digital age.

2023 Fractional Growth. All Rights Reserved